AllInWorld99 provides a reference manual covering many aspects of web programming, including technologies such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, SQL,FLASH, jQuery, java, for loop, switch case, if, if else, for...of,, for...each,while loop, blogger tips, blogger meta tag generator, blogger tricks, blogger pagination, client side script, html code editor, javascript editor with instant output, css editor, online html editor, materialize css tutorial, materialize css dropdown list,break, continue statement, label,array, json, get day and month dropdown list using c# code, CSS button,protect cd or pendrive from virus, cordova, android example, html and css to make android app, html code play,telerik show hide column, Transparent image convertor, copy to clipboard using javascript without using any swf file, simple animation using css, SQL etc. AllInWorld99 presents thousands of code examples (accompanied with source code) which can be copied/downloaded independantly. By using the online editor provided,readers can edit the examples and execute the code experimentally.

    HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a simple programming language. It is a case insensitive and easy to learn programming language.

Html is used to design web can create simple does not support graphical interface but supports implementation of images or other uses predefined tags enclosed with in angular brackets. A wide range of tags are supported by html and each serve a different function.
How it works 

Html programs are written with a specified format. To represent a bold letter or a letter with large fonts appropriate tags are used which are interpreted by the browser to change it to a page. Unlike other languages html is dead easy that a person can learn basics with in hours.html has two main parts in it.a starting tag always ends with a “/” when it ends.

Head section
Body section

Head section
This portion acts as starting portion and only has a title bar.
Body section
This is the main part of the displays data in the web page represented in the program.

Example Program:-
     <title>Title of website</title>
 This is the body part

The following editor can edit the program and see the output instantly without storing your local system.

HTML code
Example Program:- (Editor)




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