AllInWorld99 provides a reference manual covering many aspects of web programming, including technologies such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, SQL,FLASH, jQuery, java, for loop, switch case, if, if else, for...of,, for...each,while loop, blogger tips, blogger meta tag generator, blogger tricks, blogger pagination, client side script, html code editor, javascript editor with instant output, css editor, online html editor, materialize css tutorial, materialize css dropdown list,break, continue statement, label,array, json, get day and month dropdown list using c# code, CSS button,protect cd or pendrive from virus, cordova, android example, html and css to make android app, html code play,telerik show hide column, Transparent image convertor, copy to clipboard using javascript without using any swf file, simple animation using css, SQL etc. AllInWorld99 presents thousands of code examples (accompanied with source code) which can be copied/downloaded independantly. By using the online editor provided,readers can edit the examples and execute the code experimentally.

Create website and publish to world wide
Now a day you can create a website design without any basic knowledge in HTML and CSS, Using designing tools like Dreamweaver,Macaw,web studio,Comet and etc...
  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Javascript
  4. PHP (Or other Server side Program)
  5. Purchase Domain and Hosting
But you should need to know at least pure basic knowledge in HTML and css for design purpose. HTML - it is used to create the HTML control like Text box , Radio button, drop down list box, button and etc...
Text Box <input type="text" />
Enter the text :
Radio Button <input name="group1" type="radio" >Option 1
<input name="group1" type="radio"> Option 2

Option 1 Option 2
Drop Down List Box <select>

Button <input type="button" value="Click Here" />
CSS - CSS is defined Cascading Style Sheet, This is used for give style to html elements like color set background image and etc..

<input style="color: red;border: 2px solid green;background: beige;" type="text" />

Javascript - Javascript is the client side program, this is mainly used for client side validation and passing the client side value to server side and etc. Many Frame works available for javascript like jQuery, AngularJS and etc
You should write your javascript code inside the <script> and </script> tag.

Javascript Code:-
function calFun()
alert("This function was called");

<input type="button" onclick="calFun();" value="Click Here">
PHP Code - This is used to Get the value from the client side and process it to store or retrive the value from the Database. Eg : If you enter the username and password(Client Side), client side program will check some condition like username should not contain symbol like (@#$$%%^), after verified it pass the username and password to server side program (here php), PHP program will receive the username and password and check it with data base is the user is already registered or not and username password is correct, If username and password is match the server side program will allow to redirect the page to profile page or display "Check username and password" error message.

Web Hosting - After create your website you need to buy a unique domain name and Hosting space for upload your website. Many website for web hosting some one are
hioxindia (Cheap)
Check your Domain name availablity


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